Judith Maria Günzl and I have released our first CD as Deep Wild Stillness. You can stream and download it here:
“My Body Knows,” is online for streaming and download! All of the profits will go in support of women: to the film the song was created for, “Monthlies“; to Robin Lim‘s Yayasan Bumi Sehat; and to the Crimson Movement.
And here’s the video!
“Power of the Sea,” a song I wrote in 2011 after the Japanese tsunami disaster, is now part of a CD to support the making of a film on Fukushima by Toko Shiiki Santos. Please download it to support the film!
I have a new collaboration called Deep Wild Stillness with Judith Maria Günzl. A sample of our two voices together, with frame drum, is here.
All of my music that was recorded with Carlos in Wavegarden, can be streamed here:
LOVE, love, your new album! It is now my favorite listening !! I have updated your web page and your album is there with your two web addresses.
Wonderful, soul deep sounds, spontaneously flowing…..awesome!